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Megan Kiefer, the founder of The Take Two Media Initiative, has been teaching filmmaking in NYC since 2009 through The Take Two Film Academy. In every classroom, she noticed how the students transformed from apathetic to excited with the simple addition of video production tools. The student's eagerness to learn filmmaking seeped into their enthusiasm for science, math and history, because media is the conduit of modern learning. TTMI expands the longtime expert work of the Film Academy by bringing media education to schools that otherwise couldn't afford it.

Why we Started the Take Two Media Initiative


We believe all kids deserve an opportunity to get a great education and that different kids learn in different ways.   Since 2009, Take Two has helped thousands of kids discover their talents and passions using film. This has been possible thanks to a handful of timely grants and the tireless work of many PTAs.


But the most vulnerable kids in our societies don’t go to schools with strong PTAs and their schools don’t have access to grant money. These kids, the ones who need innovative education the most, have the least access to it.

Together, we can change that.

“I've learned so much at Take Two!  I love writing scripts and editing!" - Matt (Age 11)


"Take Two was the perfect addition to our school. The impact and video work they engaged our students in was invaluable in helping to solidify our students’ learning. I look forward to partnering with Take Two for years to come, as they have become embedded in the fabric of our culture." - Jessica Jenkins Founding Principal West End Secondary School

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Special Needs Class at PS 125 in the Bronx with Head Teacher

Jason Santel



  • Students are actively engaged in the processes of creating short narratives or documentary films, and participate in all the necessary roles.

  • Students get an understanding of the cultural dimensionality of film and how film has the power to not only create an emotional response but how it can also have a social and political impact.

  • At the end of our workshops students know how to create scripts, use cameras and editing software.

  • At the end of residencies students know how to respond and analyze film and media. Students learn how films differ from each other and how film relates to human endeavor and thought.

Critical Viewing + Critical Making = Critical Thinking

Example Of An Initiative:

Take Two worked with 137 6th graders to create 29 short films around What Goes Down the Drain.


The documentaries were based on what they were learning in their Social Studies, ELA, Math and Science classrooms.  The films have a distinct call to action -  to clean up the Hudson River.


These 6th graders came up with a campaign on, enlisted their community to become educated around this issue, and were able to present their learning to enact change.


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